Featured Narrative on the Occasion of Steve Jobs' Passing: #206, "The Impact Composing With a Computer Had on My Life"

Image representing Steve Jobs as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBaseThe passing of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has set the Internet ablaze with reminisces and stories about how Apple products touch so many technology users' lives.  This Storify narrative captures a tiny portion of this discussion, and we hope someone is archiving the Twitter discussion on hashtag #RIPSteveJobs for posterity!

These social media ephemera are full of literacy narratives: stories about how the devices we use to read and write have touched and changed our lives, how they have changed (or honored existing) attitudes toward reading and writing, and how the digital spaces in which we read and write intersect with our "analog" lives.

The DALN is full of literacy narratives about Apple products, so today in honor of Jobs' passing, we share narrative #206 from the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives about how John Scenters-Zapico's first encounter with an Apple computer changed his attitude toward composing--and even his entire career as an academic.  Titled "The Impact Composing with a Computer had on my life," Scenters-Zapico marks narrative #206 as occurring during the 1980s and relating to the keywords computer virgin, literacy, technology, composing, and Computer.

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4. Reflect on your own literacy stories and consider sharing one or more of them with the DALN!  The DALN submission process can be completed entirely online from any Internet-connected computer, and we welcome submissions from all around the world on any topic related to reading, writing, or composing!  Just click on the "Submit a Narrative" link at the DALN web site to get started, or check out our Video Walk-Thru of the submission process here on the blog!
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